ACWA car wash operator member, Waves Carwash Canberra is once again going all out for Halloween 2024.
When Waves Carwash, Phillip opened in 2020, Halloween was featured as part of the festivities. It was a huge success, with queues of cars backed up around the block,which got the attention of the Australian Federal Police who needed to control the traffic. The ABC Network helicopter was doing flyovers to see what the big fuss was all about!!
Because of such popular demand, Waves decided to continue this fantastic Community Event for the public every 2 years, giving the Waves Team time to make each Scary Experience unique and different and enjoyable for the public.
To cater for everyone – Waves has divided the event so that all can enjoy it. Late afternoon, there are “Little Scares” for the children to kick start the night coming along, all dressed up to grab some candy and lots of giveaways. Once night falls, Waves gets serious about scaring those who dare to enter the tunnel of terror, with more giveaways for the adults to enjoy as well.
For 2024, the event will be over 2 consecutive nights, 25 Friday & 26 Saturday October, and for the first time, the event has gone online selling presale tickets to secure your spot.