We’re proud to say that this year featured the best lineup of speakers ever, with capacity crowds attending many sessions confirming this view. This couldn’t have been achieved without the support of Josh, Skye and the crew at Car Wash Solutions Australia, who generously sponsored the sessions.
Topics ranged from branding to digital marketing, as well as presentations from international business leaders like Jason Hayes, Frank Cazares, and Marcus Kittrell.
The international speakers brought fresh perspectives. Frank Cazares from Sonnys highlighted innovative examples of how automatic and self-serve car washes in the United States have successfully converted to tunnel washes.
We were also privileged to have Marcus Kittrell take the stage with ACWA Vice President Matt Hood, inspiring the crowd with his remarkable car wash journey.
Jon Roberts from Extreme Clean Car Wash shared his thoughts, “I thought the presentation by Jason Hayes: ‘Unlocking the Potential in In-Bay Automatics,’ was the best presentation that I have attended both at any International Car Wash Show or ACWA Show! Additionally, I thought that Rory’s presentation was well presented!”
All presentations sessions have been recorded and are available to view – Click here to view the presentations.