The hand car wash provides the highest level of car cleaning. There is a range of levels of wash available from a simple external and internal clean to a full car detailing service
The Australian economy has seen strong sales of new cars and many of these car owners select hand washing as a service to keep their new vehicles in the best possible condition.
Hand car wash is the most labour-intensive form of car wash and often provides a range of wash levels from a simple external and internal clean to a full car detailing service.
- Hand washing is made up of two service types
- In-store washing
- Mobile car wash
During the in-store process, the customer leaves the car with an attendant and the car is washed using a series of manually applied internal and external cleaning processes.
Most often the external process includes high-pressure washing, manual soft-cloth chemical application and washing, pressure rinsing, waxing and hand drying. This is followed by internal vacuuming as well as upholstery and window cleaning.
It is not uncommon for some modern hand wash services to incorporate a tunnel wash system for the external clean followed by manual internal cleaning and external hand drying.
Many hand car wash facilities are tapping into Australia’s cafe culture and provide an on-site cafe allowing customers to relax while waiting for their car to be delivered.
Mobile car wash services travel to the car owner’s residence or business. Mobile car wash services often provide their own water and pressure cleaners. Customers are attracted by the convenience of the wash coming to them and satisfaction in the knowledge their car is receiving hand wash care.
Many mobile car wash services are provided under a franchise model e.g. Jim’s Car Cleaning.