To help with planning your trip to Car Wash Show Australia, we found some great flight deals to Sydney:
- Melbourne: $56
- Brisbane: $80
- Adelaide: $106
- Canberra: $163
- Auckland: $140
- Darwin: $319
- Perth: $210
These deals were found on Skyscanner and may change, but when we checked, they looked pretty good for dates around the Show.
Official Preferred Accommodation for Car Wash Show Australia 2024 – Novotel Darling Square
We’ve secured special rates at the Novotel Darling Square, just a stone’s throw away from the venue. Here’s the link to Book
Our link covers whatever nights you might require in the range of the dates from Sunday 11 – Friday 16 August, 2024.
We can’t wait to see you at the Car Wash Show Australia 2024! If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to let us know.