It is difficult to ever describe a Victorian weather event as extraordinary. Still, last Thursday’s 40-degree scorcher really was one out of the box…even for Melbourne!
As the city baked through its equal-hottest November day this century, fierce winds swept across the State, uprooting trees and creating dust storms throughout Melbourne suburbs. Then, just minutes later, light rain, thunderstorms and a 20-degree temperature drop.
But what may have been uncomfortable for the city’s residents, produced an absolute boon for car wash sites with many operators are still reporting queues and record wash numbers a week later.
With the background above in mind, ACWA would like to thank those who took a time-out from the bustling car wash scene to attend the ACWA State Meeting yesterday. A crowd of around 40 people participated in the event which was followed by a relaxed counter lunch and an opportunity to enjoy the fellowship of the car wash industry.
The informal affair, held at the Rising Sun Hotel in South Melbourne, was held immediately following ACWA’s November Board Meeting and presented a rare opportunity for all Board Members to attend.
In his presentation, ACWA President Neil Fox was keen to thank members for their support this year, emphasising that without an active and supportive membership base, the task of representing and protecting the interests of the car wash industry is difficult.
In support of this statement, Neil outlined ACWA’s involvement in some of the key issues and opportunities confronting the car wash industry around the country.
High on the agenda was the water crisis facing the industry in NSW and Queensland. Neil outlined the work ACWA has been undertaking in both States to ensure car washing continues under water restriction conditions. He highlighted that despite Sydney Water announcing Level 2 Restrictions from 10 December, car washing will continue.
“The new restrictions state you can wash your car, truck, van, using a bucket and sponge or at a commercial car wash,” said Neil. He went on to say, “this commendation and recognition of commercial car washing is carried across Sydney Water’s communications and website and will encourage consumers to use our services”. This is a significant achievement considering the position we were faced with just a few months ago.
The crowd was reminded of the need to support the recently announced Water Restrictions Fighting Fund. “We must remain united in our approach,” said Neil. “While it is NSW and Queensland most affected at this time, as sure as night follows day, drought will follow in other areas, and we must be prepared to fight for our rights to wash”.
Attendees also received an enthusiastic reminder that Car Wash Show Australia 2020 on the Gold Coast is looming. The Show will run from 22 to 24 September 2020, and with record numbers of exhibitors almost certain, the event is set to be the biggest and best ever.
Packages and bookings for car wash operators will be released in February.
ACWA would like to thank members once again for their support of the State Meeting and taking time out of very busy schedules to be with us.